Craft, and try not to die!Ī quick glance at the PC world of Rust shows that there are clans that have come together to engage in some rivalries with other clans, but I haven’t been approached by anyone yet. Once you have gathered some stuff, you can craft all sorts of things, ranging from clothing to a wooden wall, and this then is the rest of the game. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had my liver pierced by some opportunist with a wooden spear while I was looking at a tree or rock, so you’ll want to keep ‘em peeled.

This is good because the less time you spend not scanning the area the better. The same goes for the rocks lying about the place – if you hit the bright sparkle it will break faster. And if you hit the tree on the red cross that some invisible helper spray paints on the tree as you hit it (complete with spray paint sound effect) you will harvest faster. Want to build a house? You’ll need some wood, and this comes about initially by hitting a tree with a rock, allowing you to collect some. Gameplay wise, if you manage to get a bit of time to stay alive between shankings, Rust is all a massive grind. It’s cool too that the sound of a rock hitting a tree is pretty bang on as well, so the sound department can take a bow. More important though is the ability to hear people creeping up on you – without that, you stand even less of a chance than normal. Luckily, the audio is a lot more in keeping with the game tone, with low key music every now and then. Of course, in combat, this hiatus is enough to get you killed, so it’s exceedingly annoying. You can be running, fighting or harvesting, the game just stops dead (it doesn’t even slow down) and then it carries on like nothing has happened. Another issue is that Rust Console Edition stalls very frequently, and whatever you are doing at the time just stops. The animals are worse, believe it or not, and I’ve been killed by a deer stuck in a cliff, and been attacked by a horse stuck in a rock… and best of all, if you are killed by an animal, they are all called James, which is a classy touch even if it is confusing why. The Xbox players are just as unforgiving, but when they are armed only with rocks, it’s a bit easier to run away.
My pro tip is to stick to the Xbox only servers, as the PC players have had years to get tooled up and will happily ruin your whole day. It is absolutely demoralising, and I soon found myself in the bottom half of the server browser, looking for the less populated servers in order to stand a better chance of living.

You could say that the player base in Rust Console Edition is without doubt the most brutal and unforgiving I have ever encountered, taking every opportunity to screw others over and kill the weak without hesitation.

Without a word of a lie, I had made a wooden hut and managed to lock the door, so the other player decided to break through the wall, shoot me in the face with a shotgun, help himself to anything that wasn’t tied down, and then went on his merry way without a care in the world. This is very annoying, but nothing like as annoying as if you manage to escape the beach (where you seem to always spawn if you haven’t managed to put a sleeping bag down somewhere to act as a spawn point), gather some resources and cobble together a crude shelter, only to then have someone decide that you may have something that they want. In fact, the first thing that hits you upon spawning into the world is usually a much higher level being killing you instantly fast sending you back to the spawn screen. The first thing to mention is that Rust is a multiplayer only experience, so forget the peaceful exploration of Minecraft, because this is nothing like that.